Street smart book smart test

If an creepy old man approaches you, and asks you for some money how would you handle the cituation. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Being on the street, or in the trenches, or whatever low to the ground metaphor you prefer, requires you learn to trust your own. Book smarts refer to the education, schooling and other kinds of knowledge that one has acquired. Book smart people are wellread and possess a wealth of knowledge. Regardless of whether youre streetsmart or booksmart, having a strong work ethic is what will ultimately make you successful in life. Take this personality quiz to see if you are street smart or book smart based on your personal answers to our test questions.

Thats the difference between being book smart and being street smart. In reality there is zero difference between the two. Adventures on the road and in the markets kindle edition by rogers, jim. Whereas, street smarts refers to the experiential knowledge on things. Book worms who study under academic guidelines and can tell you many facts are categorized as book smart individuals. My name is catherine stahl formerly catherine cheng and i warmly welcome you to book smart street smart a place where i share all things academic, personal, professional, and everything in the middle with the hope that i can help you navigate growing up as. Book smart can be described as exam smart or academically smart. Which of the following retains the information its storing when the system power is turned off.

Being book smart means you might realise that a disaster is about to happen. Moreover, included are chapters on trading volatility, trading crabel, trading the smart money index, trading gap reversals, a specific chapter on expert money administration, and plenty of totally different trading strategies. The world is full of people who are either book smart or street smart. You quickly look away, hoping he wont talk to you and start walking faster. Its like asking a fisherman if there are books about how he knows, by a change in the wind, that rain is coming. I love the opportunity to answer this question, but most people arent going to like the answer. Whatever your heart desires, we can quiz you on it. On the other hand, being street smart can benefit you in life as well. Do you think you are more of a book smart or street smart person.

This blog is my attempt to document my journey through graduate school as a doctoral student of education, and to share experi. You may not have done the best on quizzes or term papers, but you are very observant and perceptive person. We all agree that being smart is better than being stupid. The distinguishment between street smarts and book smarts is a. This quiz may just change the way you view yourself forever. Study this, take this test, get this right answer, move. Being street smart though helps you develop tools to deal with whatever life throws at you. Characterized by their love of learning, book smart people are organized and prepared for any situation. Street smart because i had to fend for myself growing up in a rotten pop up camper with broke hippie parents but book smart because school was simple and boring. You look him in the eyes, linger and then slowly avert your gaze. The prime distinction between street smarts and book smarts is who is at the center of the knowledge. Never studied for a test in school but just read the info and absorbed easily i guess.

You have a good head on your shoulders, and as long as you trust your instincts, you know youll be fine in this world. Street smarts also known as practical knowledge or common sense is essential to orienting yourself in everyday situations, whether its getting around a new neighborhood. It means youve learned how to take what has happened to you, good or bad, think about it, and learn to improve from it. Some people are book smart, whereas others are street smart. Book smart or street smart some of the worlds greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible doug larson book smarts. Have you ever heard some call someone else book smart or street smart. Some people are book smart, some are street smart and some lucky souls are both. You can assess the environment you are in, who is in it, and what the available angles are. Book smarts mean you are very good at knowing stuff, retaining things, remembering things. Usually people considered to be book smart are known as lacking in street smarts, and vice versa, as theory and practice both have limitations.

It teaches you to trust your initiative and instinct and can help you prepare for disaster. If someone comes up to you and points at you with his gun, and says, give me your money. About book smart street smart blog catherine cheng stahl. After all, a street smart but book dumb character might fail a chemistry test, but a book smart and street stupid character may ace the test yet fail to make it out of danger alive without the assistance of their street smart intellectual inferior. Quizzes funny fun quizzes random quizzes funny memes smart test quizzes for kids animal. Being street smart means that you understand common sense and simple things do not slip between that cracks. Youre a survivor and a helpful person to have around not only in the time of need but for fun occasions, too. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading street smarts. Book smarts enjoy the structure of the learning environment. These street smart people can succeed very well despite their lack of formal training or background. Bring him back to your house so you could loan him money. When it comes to intelligence, are you more knowledgeable or savvy. Street smart, book smart, or neither all the tests. Street smartpants are bs detectors and no one is going to pull the wool over their eyes easily.

Being street smart means having interest in other activities more than in school work, while being book smart is the complete opposite of that. Street smarts do win the race against book smarts but it is the combination of two that does the wonder. At some point in life, we all learnt that someone can be very intelligent and still lack common sense. Street smarts implies such an instinct that lends a greater depth of understanding with regards to language, movements. Why you need to be street smart, not book smart better. If youre not sure where on the spectrum you fall, well, thats what this quiz is here to tell you. Say youre out of money which is a lie tell him to back off. You cant judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. There will be five personal questions on your daily routine and ten questions made on what youd do in situations. The question is, who will be the one smart enough to put the facts to use when needed.

Book smarts and street smarts, both have their advantages in the corporate world and it depends upon what the employer is looking for to determine who gets the upper hand. Where a book smart person is a little sharper when it comes to the facts. Graff believes that having the personality of a street smart person can benefit society if one knows how to channel their potential correctly. Sometimes, it will seem unfair to book smart people how the street smart ones advance despite their lack of. What are some of the best books to develop street smarts. See more ideas about life quotes, me quotes and quotes to live by. A personal blog by catherine cheng with the objective of inspiring you to keep engaging, to continue wandering, and to cherish lifes small moments. It solely is a theoretical understanding of facts or ideas. Tune in to lets ask america to see the original broadcast subscribe to our channel. If you are a street smart with knowledge, it works best. Book smart people typically have a significant amount of formal classroom education a bachelors degree at minimum and have learned most of what they know about the world from book. You may have never aced a test or read an entire novel, but if you can wake up and make it to work on time, and if youre not afraid to stay late when everybody else goes home, then youre probably doing better than most people your age. Theyre experts at recalling, recognizing, and analyzing information.

A street smart heavy person wont beat a person that is book smart at a trivia competition that is for sure, but street smart people can think on their feet and get through challenges and puzzles much better. There is no doubt in my mind street smarts kicks book smarts ass. Learn the five mistakes that you cant afford to make in colleg. If you pass, go on to the next quiz, are you knowledge smart if you fail, you fail. A book smart person is sharper when it comes to the facts. A stranger in the street makes eye contact with you. That said, a street smart character by no means must be a poor. Take this quiz to find out if youre smart or just lackadaisical. While book smarts are, unsurprisingly, considered the gold standard of intelligence by academics, street smarts are essential for living a functional life.

Somehow, they naturally know how to navigate the challenging waters of competition at work, in business, and even in relationships. Street smarts test the value of book smarts is undeniable. Street smarts, however, encompasses knowledge that generally cannot be learned through education but rather, from experience. Street smarts also known as practical knowledge or common sense is essential to orienting yourself in everyday situations, whether its getting around a new neighborhood, keeping yourself safe, taking risks or making decisions.

Book smart or street smart who would be your choice. Then there are those lucky few who are simply web smart. Most people spend a small fortune on a college education for book smarts but when you get in the real world, you must also have street smarts. While which one is more helpful can be a matter of debate and also depends on the context, it is generally seen that street smarts weigh more on the scale when it comes. To be street smart means you have situational awareness.

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